Art Island: Naoshima (Part 1)
Two of my friends, Ms. E and Mr. Y went to Naoshima the other day. They didn`t go together, but it was a coincidence that both of them send me some photos around the same day. These are Ms. E`s photos! I first heard about this island on t.v. a few months ago. Also, after that, I read about it in the newspaper! Many foreigners supposively go there. The island is designed to be like one big art museum. Ms. E and Mr. Y both said that they had a good time and enjoyed it. I hope to go there one day.

I Like the above photo a lot!
This one is really cool too! It looks like a lady-bug pumpkin! But it`s on the beach!?!
Today was round one of Ichiro-Matsuzaka!! Did you watch it on t.v. this morning? Matzuzaka won that battle, but lost the game! And the other (forgotten) Japanese player in the game, Jojima, hit two doubles off of Matzuzaka...he almost hit a home-run too, but it was just foul...I can`t wait til the next match-up!