What does your desk look like?
Looking at one`s desk is actually quite interesting, and says a lot about the person. It also says a lot about a person`s personality? Is it messy, a mess, cluttered, disorganized...or is it clean, neat, in order...? Do you have any family photos, or other photos, on or around the desk? How about Any ornaments or decorations?My desk is quite simple.
I have black Dell computer, with a white monitor(not Dell, some cheap company, and what a terrible decision...I shoulda splurged the extra 100$ when I bought the new black Dell and also gotten a nice new Dell monitor, but no, not me, no Mr. Cheap...I regret this decision every day...) and a pink mouse pad, a plastic container for folders, and some tape. Behind the computer on the wall are some pictures, from Ireland, Kiniosaki hot spring, Philadelphia...And next to my desk is a calendar and book case. And next to that is a radio, which I like to listen to every day! (I like to listen to AM, not FM...to be exact I like ABC radio).
In my house I don`t have a desk (or computer), but I do have a bar! ;)
What does your desk look like?
Thanks for the pic of your desk N, and thanks for reminding me that it is "Girl`s Day" today.