Tsunamis, Vancouver, and Egypt
First of all, can anyone tell me, what was that last Sunday?! When I woke up and turned on the tv, there was nothing but news about the Tsunami(a tidal wave)...coming to Japan...coming to almost all of the coasts of Japan from Okinawa to Hokkaido (I think the coasts connected to The Japan Sea and the Inland Sea were safe.) According to the news, this Tsunami was a result of the huge earthquake in Chili. So, there were constant warnings scrolling on the top of my tv screen, and also there was a big map of Japan on the bottom right corner of the screen. It was really annoying. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand that a Tsunami is very dangerous and can cause a lot of damage as well as even causalities, but come on...That news was overblown! Exaggerated! Haven't you ever heard of the famous tale, "The boy who cried wolf"?! I hope that the government and broadcasting companies use more common sense the next time! It's not good to induce panic!
Also, the Vancouver Olympics wound up on Sunday too.
The following are some interesting quotes about The Games.
"What will you remember about the Vancouver Olympics?"
I have a lot of memories.
First and foremost, I loved watching Takahashi. His skating and demeanor was impressive!
Next, I will remember the women's mogul's. Aiko was great!!! But the American Gold medalist winner was the best!!!
And I will also remember watching a Korean speed skater get disqualified for basically doing nothing. A similar thing also happened to another Korean speed skater in the Olympics before, when Ohno (an American) over-reacted and complained to the judges. I think the Koreans got robbed!!
I could go on and on, but I have to wrap it up and get ready for class.
Below are Mr. I's nice photos from his recent trip to Egypt. Check them out!