Saturday, January 28

"Real English 4-Occupy"

Actually, "occupy" was selected as the "Number 1 word of 2011" by the "Global Language Monitor." Every year the GLM makes a "Top 10 Words" list after analyzing the use of language(words) in social media, the Internet, blogs, and both print and electronic media all over the world.

"1. Occupy — The preferred verb of protesters occupies the top spot this year. Not only has "occupy" risen to fame because of the Occupy Movement (Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Oakland, etc.), it is also used in the context of the occupation of Iraq and the so-called "Occupied Territories." "

In addition to the above meaning, "occupy" also has some other meanings.
For example;
1. The gym I go to, Konami Sports Shinsaibashi branch, occupies the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th floor of the XXX Building.
2. "Excuse me, is this seat occupied?"
3. "We are very sorry Mr. Gross, but there are no vacancies. All of the rooms are occupied tonight."

And, this is a little extra tidbit. I was surprised to see that this word?,, or maybe I should say term, was Number 8 on the Top 10 list:

" 8. 3Q — This texting shorthand for "thank you" may have arisen as a combination of the Mandarin and Japanese word for the number three, which is "san," and Q; put together, they sound like "thank you." The slang has been banned from official Chinese dictionaries, but is commonly found elsewhere."

Tuesday, January 24

"Only in Japan"

After I got back from my trip, this is the first conversation my wife and I had.
Me: I'm home!
Wife: Welcome back! I missed you so much!!! How was the flight back?
Me: Fine, a smooth flight with no turbulence. I watch a movie, and slept the rest of the flight.
Wife: That's good. Anyway, you won't believe it, but I lost my train pass on Friday! And, I just bought it is about 30,000yen. I was really shocked and miserable.
Me: Really?! Didn't you say the other day "I have never lost anything-my wallet, cell phone, train pass..." the other day?! You should have knocked on wood!! Did you also lose your Subway card?! (FYI, recently my wife and I are hooked on Subway-a franchise sandwich shop-sandwiches. And I knew that she credited 20,000yen to that card just before the New Year.)
Wife: No!! I just lost the train pass!! It must have fallen out of my pocket or something.
Me: Ahhhhhh...That's a shame....... :(
Wife: But!!! I was lucky!! Cause on Sunday, a train officer called me and said "Are you Mrs. Gross? YES. Is your address XXX? YES. Are you XXX years old? YES...Well, I have some good news for you. Someone picked up your train pass and we have it now at that station. Please come by the office at the station at your earliest convenience and pick it up."
Me: Unbelievable!! Only in Japan!! You are a luck girl!!
Wife: I know!!! Because I am married to you! :)

To change the subject, "What's your wish for the world in 2012?" (From The Japan Times Online)

Friday, January 20

"Real English 3-Game"

Today's Real English is related to the word "game," which is used in many expressions.

Do you understand the meaning of the below sentences?

Either way, we will review them in class.

1. Game on!
2. She's ahead of the game.
3. I beat him at his own game.
4. You have to play the game. (You have to play his/her game.)
5. Anyone's game.
6. Don't play games with me!!
7. Two can play at that game!

Monday, January 16

Chuo Ward Facts and Ginko Tress

Today is a continuation from Wednesday.
I work in Chuo Ward, so I found these facts interesting too.

What is the population?
80,484 people

What is the average age?

How many households are there?

What is the average temperature?
17.0 (degrees Celsius)

What is the area?
8.88km2(=kilometers squared)

The Ginko Tree photo was taken by Ms. K. The yellow leaves of these trees are really beautiful. But, the when the ginko nuts fall from the trees, they really stink!! I hate it!!! Did you know that the trees that drop nuts are "female trees"? And, did you know that "male" Ginko trees don't smell!? It's true, and I heard that the Osaka Government is replanting the "female trees" with "male tress" recently in order to get rid of that horrible odor!! Thank God!!

Saturday, January 14

"Real English 2-Tebow"

I love American Football. And it is the playoffs now, and there are two big games tomorrow. In one of the games, the Denver Broncos play the New Englad Patriots. The Quarterback is of the Broncos is Tebow. And, he is a big phenom in America now!! So big, that his name has become a a new word. Actually it is a verb, "to tebow." Check out the below site and definition:

"What is Tebowing?
(vb) to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different."

A Jack Fruit photo from Mr. T.

Thursday, January 12

"Real English 1"

I decided my New Year's resolution for this year!! My resolution is to teach one "Real English" word or expression a week on the blog. (Don't fret!! I am also going to continue the "Vocabulary and Expressions Study"!) So since there are 52 weeks in a year, that means you can improve your vocabulary with 52 "Real English" words just by reading the blog! If you ask me, that is pretty good value for your dollar! Not bad, not bad at all!!

And, since it is already the second week of 2012, I will one today, and one more tomorrow.

"Real English 1"-go viral (=to become extremely popular, or "hot," on the net)
While I was in America last week, I saw this word in the paper and heard this word while speaking to a lot of people and also on tv. The below excerpt from Wikipedia explains the meaning of "viral video":

"A viral video is one that becomes popular through the process of Internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites, social media and email.[1] Viral videos often contain humorous content... and include televised comedy sketches..., amateur video clips... on YouTube; and web-only productions... Some eyewitness events have also been caught on video and have "gone viral"...

With the proliferation of camera phones,[10] many videos are being shot by amateurs on these devices. The availability of inexpensive video editing and publishing tools allows video shot on mobile phones to be edited and distributed virally, by email or website, and between phones by Bluetooth or MMS. These consumer-shot videos are typically non-commercial, intended for viewing by friends or family. A video becoming viral is often unexpected, and an accident, and therefore a video cannot be called viral purely in the creator's intention at the time of recording."

Here is a simple example of how to use "go viral":

1. Did you see those photos of the accident? They went viral and have since been published in various magazines and newspapers.

2. The GOP candidate for President decided to go viral with his message to the young folks!

3. The video appeared on You-Tube on Monday, and quickly went viral!

"What's your New Year's resolution?"
from The Japan Times Online

Wednesday, January 11

Osaka Facts and Cake

I found the below facts about Osaka in the "mi-ru-to magazine."
I love Osaka (even though I live in Hyogo Prefecture) so I wanted to share them with you.

What is the shipping fee of chocolate per year?
70,268,000yen *This is the highest amount in all of Japan. No. 1!!!!

How much garbage is recycled?

What is the number of hospitals?

How many parks are there?

What is the average amount of money spent on education per household a month?

How many passengers use JR Osaka Station a day?

Below are some photos courtesy of Ms. Y.
Do you prefer cake with beer, or with tea?

Tuesday, January 10

I'm back!!!

I had a great trip in Philly with my parents and I will tell you all about it later since I am busy with a lot to catch up on now...

How was your vacation?
I hope it went well!!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great 2012!!!

The Year of the Dragon!!!!!