Saturday, July 28

"Real English 30-blunder (+ Olympic English special)"

The Games are underway in London. 

And, as I am sure all of you know by now, Japan's Men's and Women's soccer team both won. 
(They both actually played before the Games officially started.  This is one of the things that I don't like about the Olympics.) As expected, The Women's Team beat Canada.  However, the Men's team's upset of Spain dropped some jaws.

Please look at the below dialogue between two guys who sat next to me at the bar the other night. I eavesdropped on their conversation.  I know it is not polite to eavesdrop...but I was bored.

Mr. A:  The Olympics started.  I am excited to watch them on TV.
Mr. J:   I want to watch them too, but because of the time difference with England, most of the events are only on TV in the early morning or in the middle of the night in Japan.  I have to work in the morning, and sleep at night, so maybe I am just going to watch the highlights.
Mr. A: What event are you most interested in?
Mr. J:  I am most looking forward to Bolt.  If he doesn't make a blunder like he did in the World Championships, he should win the gold medal easily! Do you remember the World Championships?
Mr. A:  Yeah, of course.  Bolt jumped the gun and was disqualified.  But I don't think that is gonna happen this time.  I expect that he will take his time in the blocks and come out of the blocks slowly.  
Mr. J:  I hope...Because I really want to see his famous winning pose, "The Lightening Bolt"!!  How about you? What do you want to see?
Mr. A:  I want to see The Dream Team destroy the world, and the U.S. Women's Gymnastics Team beat China, Phelps win some more gold medals, and the U.S Women's soccer team get revenge from their disappointing performance in the World Cup.
Mr. J:  Keep dreaming!  Anyway, you know what else I can't wait for?
Mr: A: No, what?
Mr. J:  I can't wait to watch the interviews of the athletes after they win!  Their words give me energy!
Mr A: Yeah, but if they choke and lose, and then cry...I feel bad for them because the Olympics is only once every four years, and for some of the athletes, only once in a lifetime.
Mr. J: Can I change the subject a little?
Mr. A:  Of course. 
Mr. J:  Do you know about the Olympic Village?  I read a bunch of interesting facts and figures in Time Magazine the other day.
Mr. A:  Really. Like what?
Mr. J: Well, nearly 15,000 athletes from all over the world will stay there.  800 chefs will cook for them.  The kitchens will be stocked with: 232 tons of potatoes, 19 tons of eggs, 21 tons of cheese, more than 82 tons of seafood, over 100 tons of meat, and more than 330 tons of fruit and vegetables...

Osaka: Which sports or athletes will you be following during the London 2012 Olympics?
from The Japan Times Online

Friday, July 20

"Real English 29-summer fatigue (and more summer words)"

I want to go over some words related to the summer, the humidity, the heat, and stuff like that.
See if you understand the meaning of all of the words and expressions in the dialogue below between Ms A and Ms. B.

Situation:  Ms A and B talking in the ladies' room before work.

Ms. A:  Recently I am depressed and I feel sluggish.
Ms. B:  I know what you mean.  The hot and sticky summer in Japan gives many people, especially women, the blues.  I heard that one of the reasons for this is the change in air pressure.  
Ms. A:  Really?  I didn't know that. But, I saw on TV that it is soooooo hot in Osaka because of the heat island phenomenon.  
Ms. B:  Yeah, I saw that too.  Besides feeling so bad all of the time, my hair is out of control because of this humidity! How about you?
Ms. A:  Oh my god!  That's so true!  My hair is frizzy, jumping all around and sticky...I don't know what to do!
Ms. B:  Me neither.  When I was little, my grandmother told me, "A woman grows old in the summer."  She was right! The ultra-violet rays damage our skin and give us wrinkles and sun spots, and we have to suffer from the abnormally cold air conditioner in the company which makes us dehydrated among other things...I could go on and on...
Ms. A:  I know!! And what about makeup! What a pain in the butt! By the time I get to work, after commuting on the crowded and smelly train,  and then walking to the office in the unbearable heat while sweating profusely, all of my makeup, which I spent a lot of time on to put on, is gone!! Then, after I arrive at the office, I have to put my makeup on all over again.
Ms. B:  Yeah, yeah...Every time I get to the office I am dripping with sweat too.
Ms A:  Ahhhh, I can't stand it anymore!! The only good thing about summer is eel is delicious!    But, this year, eel is unbelievably expensive!!
Ms.  B:  Yep! I can't afford that! "Eel over rice" is over 700yen at Yoshino-ya! 
Ms A:  I wouldn't be caught dead there!
Ms B:  Really?!  Why not?  I go there often.  Recently many women frequent those kind of places because they have gotten cleaner and have a "healthy" menu too.  
Ms A:  I read that in the paper, but those kinds of places are just not me  Anyway, I have been eating a lot of cold noodles and watermelon too this summer!  I love watermelon! It's my favorite fruit!
Ms B:  Me too!!!

Are you experiencing summer fatigue this year?  If so, hang in there (for about another month or so)!!!

Wednesday, July 18


 I heard the Cicadas singing(or crying) for the first time yesterday morning.  That means the rainy season is officially over, and the unbearable humidity and heat has arrived!  Really, yesterday when I walked in the sun, I thought, "It is hot."

Because of the heat and strong sunlight, I changed my usual Sunday routine.  Instead of walking about two and a half hours in the early afternoon like I always do, from last week I decided to split it up, and walk about one and a half hours in the early morning, and then another one and a half hours in the late afternoon.  That way, I don't have to walk when the sun is the strongest and the temperatures are the highest.  And as I expected, last Sunday when I walked, it was much more pleasant.  I am a smart guy, I know.

Anyway, I will talk more about the heat, the humidity, and how to stay cool later.

Below are some photos from Mr. S's retirement trip to Hawaii.  Mr. S told me the weather was beautiful, the food was OK, and speaking English was no problem! Oh yeah, he also said "I saw many girls wearing bikinis!"  Happy Retirement Mr. S!! :)

Saturday, July 14

"Real English 28-momentum"

Right after the new year, in the beginning of January, I had some momentum.  Then, in February and March, I gained momentum.  But recently, because of the rainy season or something, I don't know, I lost momentum.

But I will find a way to get that momentum back.

To get a better feel for how to use "momentum," read the below examples.

1.  The typhoon had tremendous momentum as it approached Okinawa's coast.  Then, it gained momentum as it hit the coast.  After that, heading inland, it lost momentum.

2.  The American Soccer team had the momentum in the first half, but in the second half, it was a different story. (=The American Soccer Team lost momentum and the Japan Soccer Team gained momentum.)
*FYI, this is my prediction for the finals of the Women's Soccer Olympics.  Final score:  America 3, Japan 1.

3.  Recently, the economic recovery has really gained momentum.

On to another topic, it rained A LOT this rainy season.  But soon, the rain will stop, and then the heat and humidity will arrive.  The hints in the below article may be useful!

Tokyo: Aside from stripping down to Super Cool Biz attire, what tips do you have for keeping cool at work this summer?
From The Japan Times Online

Thursday, July 5

"Real English 27-give props to"

I have to give props to Yu Darvish.

"Give props to (someone)" means "to praise (someone), take one's hat off to (someone), acknowledge (someone's) excellence or superiority," etc.

Yu Darvish has been superb so far this year.
He has already exceeded many peoples expectations.
But not mine.
I predicted before the season that he would get 18 wins.
He is on pace to do that, if not more!

As of today, he has 10 wins, has stuck out 117 people, and leads the voting for All-Star votes.
You can't ask for more than that.

Concerning his 10 wins, I will admit that there have been some games in which he didn't pitch so well, gave up four or five runs, but still won because of his team's VERY GOOD offense. But, on the other hand, there have been some games in which he pitched very well, only gave up a run or two, and still got the loss.  So, it's even I think.

What do you think about Yu Darvish this year?  How about the other Japanese players in the Major Leagues?   

Monday, July 2

"Real English 26-slipped my mind"

I have to apologize.  

I broke my New Year's resolution.

Did you notice?

Last week I was really busy with stuff.  And after I wrote the  "restaurant review blog," the "Real English 26" totally slipped my mind.

But fortunately, since neither my secretary nor I received any emails saying:
"What happened?!"
"Is everything OK?"
"Why didn't Glenn write the 'Real English' this week?  Is he sick?"
"Did you forget to write Real English 26?" 

At first, I was relieved.

But after I thought about it a little longer, I was a little sad.
Because nobody noticed...

But don't worry!! I will get over it! And I will renew my resolution and write 52 Real English on schedule this year!!