Real English Sixteen-I don't have a clue!
On Tuesday morning, I got the following text from my father.
Dad: Bombs go off at Boston marathon.
The following is our correspondence which followed:
Me: Really?
Dad: Yes. I don't have all the details yet, but it looks like there are casualties, and many wounded.
Me: Do they know who did it?
Dad: No one has claimed responsibility yet. The police are searching for clues as we speak.
As soon as I arrived at the classroom, I checked the net to get up to date on what was going on. Since then, I have been glued to CNN for the latest news.
Sorry for writing about depressing news. But this is the crazy world we live in...
Now let's get to Real English Sixteen.
"Clue" is used in many expressions.
Refer to the below:
1. I don't have a clue.=I am clueless.
2. The police are looking for clues(=evidence).
Friend) Come one! Clue me in!
Glenn) OK. I will clue you in.
And because I want to end on a lighter note, let's talk about 4-leaf clovers.
Have you ever seen one of these four-leaf clover cabs?
I haven't.
I heard they are rare.
Do you know anything about them?
Have you ever seen one?
How about ridden in one?