Tuesday, March 25

Real English Nine: Sales/Consumption Tax

The sales tax will go up to 8% next Tuesday.
Are you going to make any last-minute big purchases over the weekend?

The other day, Mr. T said to me:
"Last weekend, I went shopping and bought a lot because I wanted to stock up on toiletries and stuff before the consumption tax goes up to 8%.  For example, I bought 6 packs of toilet paper, 18 rolls a pack.  That should last me about a year!"

I replied:
"My wife uses one roll of toilet paper a day, so we need quite a few packs to last us a year!  I am thinking about buying  some small things which I use everyday, like toothpaste, soap, gargling mouthwash, and razors, and also some big things like a rice cooker and video camera.  But I haven't decided yet.  It depends..."

To change the subject a little, I bought some carp streamers for Boy's Day and set them up on my 2nd-floor balcony last Friday.  Now, they are blowing in the wind!!  

Many people who walk by my house stop and make a comment like "Nice! They are big and colorful!"
But one of my friends, a doctor, said to me, 
"You are maybe the first person in Japan to put them up this year!   Too early!!  You are clueless about Japanese culture!"

I am confused... 
My wife gave me permission to put them outside on the 21st and said, 
"I googled it, and it says that you can put them up from the Spring Equinox Day which is March 21st. "

Please tell me, who is correct, the doctor or my wife?

Thursday, March 6

Real English Eight-a selfie

Did you see Ellen DeGeneres' star-studded selfie from the Oscars?
It set a record with 2.7 million retweets.  

(I have three questions for all you trivia buffs. 
One, do you know which tweet held the record before?
Two, do you know the maker of the phone Ellen used to take this selfie?
Three, can you name all of the actors and actresses in this selfie?)

I have only taken a few selfies in my life.
I am not very good at it.
On the other hand, by brother is very good at taking selfies and takes them often.
As the proverb goes, "Practice makes perfect!"
And my father told me he took his first selfie over the winter vacation.  It wasn't bad for a rookie!

Have you ever taken a selfie?
If yes, do you take them often?

If you don't know the meaning of "selfie," 
please refer to the following definition from Wikipedia:

'A selfie is a type of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often associated with social networking. They are often casual, are typically taken either with a camera held at arm's length or in a mirror, and typically include either only the photographer or the photographer and as many people as can be in focus. Selfies taken that involve multiple people are known as "group selfies".'