It has been about a week since I wrote last. I wanted to write a few times last week but I just got caught up in stuff and couldn`t...Anyway, i was thinking about SCORES recently. One of my students, Mr. a, went bowling the other day. He got a 70! That`s right, that`s not a typo...a 70!!! I am not so good at bowling either, I usually get somewhere between 100 and 150, my best score is a 190, maybe ;), once in my life! But Mr. a said "I couldn`t be upset, so I just laughed." "a bowling SCORE IS NOT IMPORTANT!! but HAVING FUN in bowling IS IMPORTANT", I told him. My favorite Japanese poet is Aida Mitsuo. In one of his poems he said something like "People are not scores..."
On another note, I also like American football. My football team is the Philadelphia Eagles. Last year they had a very strong team, but this year is another story. They are playing a game against the Washington Redskins in America as I write this`s halftime, and The SCORE is 10-7. The Birds are losing...
Hey! I think that a 120 is good! If we went bowling together, it would be a good game.
p.s. I made the font bigger for it better now?
Your translation is perfect! It seems like a lot of people bowl a 120. We should all go bowling together sometime. Also, I`ll take any kind of luck i can get, any time!!!
NOPE! The BIRDS lost. And if they lose their game next weak the season is O V E R ! ! ! It`s looking bleak...
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