Thursday, December 22

"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at my toes..."

The first snow! Today, for me, it was the first snow of this winter! When I woke up this morning, I thought "Wow X#%&%#, it`s freezing!" And then some time later, the snow began to fall. When I looked out my window and saw the snow, at first I was surprised. I didn`t expect it...but it was beautiful and for some reason, I just smiled :) . Now maybe 2 hours has passed, and it is still snowing. I wonder how long it will snow for today?!? Maybe the snow will even stick (and if it does some companies will get out early and some employees will be very happy to begin an early 3-day weekend..;) Before, the snow flakes were pretty big...they looked fluffy like cotton candy! It might even be a white Christmas in Osaka...

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