Thursday, January 26


A 50 something year old guy was arrested yesterday for living in a "harlem" with 10 women. (He lived with 10 women!!! Lucky guy!?(JOKE!) For most men living with one woman is not easy, but 10, at the same time!!! Unbeleivable! ) One of the woman is 53, and the rest are in their 20`s. He married and divorced all of them. He has a child with one of them. The incident is in the early stages of the investigation but it appears most of the woman testified that they "wanted" to live together. If it wasn`t for Livedoor and Bobby, this story would be the top news!

Now, BOBBY Orogon, the t.v. personality and K-1 fighter, had a little problem yesterday. He allegedly went into his manager`s office and threw some things and people around. He says his manager owes him about 20 million yen. I heard that the American t.v. personality SEIN?, the guy from Sanma`s "Karakuri`s funny English" show, also had money trouble with that manager and eventually left that manager. Maybe Bobby is telling the truth? Or maybe, this entire incident is just a stint (by the office ) to promote Bobby and the other K-1 fighter who he fought with in the office yesterday!? Remember, this is show business and anything is possible!!!

1 comment:

glenn said...

Hey nan! Thanks again for the comment. You write more than all of my students do combined! I`m impressed!!! Please tell me, how do you brainwash somebody? I don`t belieev in brainwashing! But yeah, money problems can be difficult sometimes