Saturday, July 8

Part 7: Aloha style shirts...

My brother and I in separate pics with our folks. My father and I are wearing Aloha style shirts. I really like Aloha shirts and think they are cool. Sometimes I even wear one when I go out in Osaka or even when I am teaching. What do you think about Aloha style shirts?

Also, did you know that aloha=hello, and mahalo=thank you. That`s the only Hawaiin language that I know. Do you knw any more?


Anonymous said...

Yah, I love aloha shirts too.
I want to but nice aloha shirts but I have not found favarit one.
I looking for aloha shirts which old Japanise patarn.

I think "Loco" is Hawaiian language isn't it?
It is mean "local people = Hawaiian".

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.