Wednesday, September 6

My crazy friend and his son and wife...

This crazy American guy is a friend of mine. I have known him for a few years now. We work in the same area of town. Anyway, usually I see him every year at the Kitamido-kaikan Obon Dance festival. This year he was with his wife and kid. His kid is 2and a half. He`s really cute. But unfortunately I think he looks like his father... ;) What do you think?
He looks like he is enjoying his soda pop!
Look at all the food on the table! Chips, pop-corn, beer, water-ice,a thermos of tea...Do you know what is happening in the picture? That`s his mother. She is breast-feeding him (in the middle of the Obon festival!!). He`s 2 and a half!! A little old for breast-feeding I think, but more power to him! He sure did look happy!!

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