Also, look at the big yard and many trees around the house. That`s pretty typical in suburbian America. In Japan, most people don`t have such a nice yard or trees or bushes around their houses. The main reason is that it is too expensive. In Japan, land prices are extraordinary!! Crazy expensive! And for the money, the size of the house or condominium is too small. It`s something to think about...
A Tower...Not the Tokyo Tower, not the Kyoto Tower,
it`s the ________________ Tower! You fill in the blank if you know the answer.
This is the official seal of the state of Washington. Of course, the face of George Washington, the first President of the United States is on the seal. Who was the first Prime Minister of Japan...do you know?
Have a good one.
On Friday I ran the Fukuchiyama full marathon. It was a hell of an experience! Basically, as I wanted to, I ran with a smile!!! :) However I forgot about one thing since the last time I ran...AFTER running the race, it is more difficult for me to smile because I can`t move my legs, especially knees and groin and ankles, which equals just about the whole leg...and oh yeah, usually the body goes into shock, so in addition to the drop in temperature upon sunset in Kyoto (Kyoto is COLD in the mountains!) and the natural drop in body temperature after running such a marathon, basically my whole body gets hot(partly due to the inflammation=fire=burning of all the above mentioned leg parts) and gets a fever. Fortunately, after much sleep and some good food and body care, I am back to about 100%. So let me tell you about the race...
My friend and boss, Mr. H, picked me up at the station at 6:30am and drove me to Fukuchiyama. That was such a big help!! Compared to riding on a crowded train for three hours, to sit in a heated and comfortable car while chatting and reading the newspaper is a dream. That time was a much needed rest time for my body. The race began at 10:30am...
While standing at the start line, waiting for the fireworks which begin the race, an old Japanese guy said to me..."Where are you from." I was in meditation mode, so to be honest I didn`t really want to talk, but I said "America." He said "How old are you?" I said "33". He said, "I am 65...You are American runner!" I said, "Yes, and you are Japanese runner..." We both laughed. Then about 20 kilometers later, as he coasted by me, he said with a BIG smile, "I am Japanese runner!" It was a funny moment.
I saw one runner with a shirt that said "I have ran 160 marathons." That guy was short and about 60 years old maybe. Unbelievable!!
I want to make a shirt for me that says "I ran 2 marathons and that`s it! Done! Finished! Retired for life!!! ;)"
Also, Mr. H, who is in his mid-fifties, began running when he was in his early forties. Now he runs about 3 marathons a year. He is in great shape! He finished this marathon in 3 hours and 51 minutes. I can only bow my head to him...that is a great time. I respect him a lot!! And he really helped me during the race, because after about 23 kilometers I was hurting and tired. Just at that time, he ran by me and said with a BIG SMILE "Glenn!!!" His words really encouraged me and lifted me up. It was a big help!!
After about 30 kilometers I began to talk to myself and sing to myself...of course with a smile. But my legs were literally dragging. Then, one woman runner , about 45, said to me "This looks easy for you, but are your legs OK?" I said "My legs are Okay...BUT it feels like someone is hammering a nail into my knee caps..." She said, "But your mouth is healthy! ;)" I said, "Yep, it is..."
There was also one other foreigner who I saw running the race. He was from England, a tall and lean guy. He was also friendly and said to me in the beginning "Looks like we are the only two foreigners (stupid enough) to run this race." I smiled at him. Then later, towards the end, I was furiously pumpimg my arms to move forward because my legs couldn`t move. At that time, I passed him...But I didn`t realize that until he ran up to me slowly and said "You gave me inspiration! I had just quit this sport..." Then he continued to slowly run. It was a happy moment.
The service and fan support at the Fukuchiyama is fantastic!! Really applaudable! There is ample food and drinks at every rest stop, and many people say "Keep it up", "Don`t give up!", "Only 5 more kilometers...", "FIGHT!!"...All of those words really go straight to the heart! A great motivation! And the fabulous scenery in Fukuchiyama, the country views combined with the beautiful red and orange and yellow fall leaves, really lifted me up! Without all the people`s support in addition to nature`s support, I could never have done it. Thanks a lot Fukuchiyama!!
Mr. H showed me a bunch of photos in his nicely-organized album. But I think my favorite is the one photo above. I don`t know why, but this photo portrays my total image of Oregon. Quiet, secluded, a lake with a small dock surroudned by forrests. Nice, real nice...