Thursday, December 13

GO-GO Hashimoto~~~!!
Mr. Hashimoto announced yesterday that he will run for Governor of Osaka. For those of you who don`t know, let me tell you a little about this man. He is 38 years old. He has 7 children and one wife. I think, but am not sure that he was born in Tokyo. But now I heard that he lives (or has a house) in Osaka. I am a little fuzzy on that information. Anyway, I think he is a witty, fast-thinking, intelligent, bright, calculating, and at times amusing guy. He was a rugby star in high school and played in the National Rugby tournament. After that he went and graduated from Waseda University, one of the top Universities in Japan. Then he became a laywer. Then a few years ago, he also became a television personality and became popular for his trademark "brown" hair, jeans and sunglasses.
At first he said that he would "20,000% NOT run for Governor"...That was last week. Then after reconsidering and thinking about it for a while, and after he called his friend/colleague Mr. Takajin, who said to him "Now is the time...Do it!" He decided to enter the race for Governor. There are two other candidates as of now, that I know. I think that Hashimoto will win by a landslide...Maybe he will bring some needed change to Osaka, maybe not. Who knows. But I think he is MORE INTERESTING than the other two candidates, so IF I had a right to vote, which I don`t because I am NOT a Japanese citizen, AND IF I wasn`t busy on the election day on Sunday January 27th, I would cote for him...maybe ;)
Oh yeah, he wrote something interesting in his book which was published some time last year I think. He said, "If you can`t lie, you can`t become a lawyer or a politician." Well, now he is both.

Beautiful fall leaves shots! Thanks Ms. M!

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