Tuesday, March 6

Hovercraft in Oita I have never ridden on a hovercraft and I get sea sick easliy so I think I should pass. My friend Maro went to Oita Prefecture on a business trip and went on a hovercraft! He said it was OK but he thought that it was a little bumpy and not such a great ride. Have you ever ridden on one? Hoe about Oita, what do you know about Oita?

1 comment:

glenn said...

from maro:

Last Friday and Saturday I went to Oita for business.
At the moment, I get on the hovercraft.
It runs between Oita airport and Oita city.


But the ride quality is bad, because It is noisy and shaky.
Have you ever get on the hovercraft?

And I got food intoxication last evening.
So I got off work today.
Maybe the cause of food intoxication is oysters I ate last Friday...