Tuesday, October 23

3 3
That`s how many years since I came out of the womb. Thanks to everyone and everything who helped me get here...


Anonymous said...

Happpy birthday Glenn!

I enjoying reading your blog as usaual.


glenn said...

Hi Junko! Thanks for the words and comments!! I appreciate it! And thanks for always reading the blog! But, I was thinking, you should write a blog too! Why don@t you try!? It`s easy! Give it a shot!!

Anonymous said...

I was there "live" 33 years ago. Enjoy your day my son.
Love, dad

Anonymous said...

A Most Memorable Day!!!
You are welcome...
It was my womb!
33years ago..It was almost the next day.. You were in no rush...But, you were well worth the wait...

Anonymous said...

A Most Memorable Day!!!
You are welcome...
It was my womb!
33years ago..It was almost the next day.. You were in no rush...But, you were well worth the wait...