Monday, April 21

Ms. M live In China

Ms. M makes great albums of every trip she goes on. Her pcitures, and poses in the pictures, and captions about each picture are always interesting, and at times also amusing. Check out the background of the picture below! What are all of the brides and grooms doing on the rocks?! That`s a helluva a scene!

Speaking of brides and grooms, I went to my first Japanese wedding yesterday. The bride looked beautiful and the groom looked stunning. The basic style of a wedding is different in Japan and America, but there are too many differences to get into now. In person, I`d like to talk about the differences one day though...

Today is really a beautiful day. Hope the week is good for everyone!

1 comment:

glenn said...


「Another Great Wall of China」
> It is about 500 years older than the great wall which is made by first Qin Emperor.

> 「The couples who take wedding photos」
> It is popular in China that couples take wedding photos at scenic spots.