One of my friends actually took my advice and went to Ustubo park to check out the roses. From the looks of the the beautiful pictures below, I don`t think he regretted his decision!
Here`s another must see! (?) Soon, maybe tomorrow or sometime this week, A BIG Women`s Beach Volleyball tournament will begin in Nakanoshima! NO, Nakanoshima is not an Island (shima=island in japanese)!! It is a business district just around the corner from here. I think the organizers of the tourney and the city officials decided on Nakanoshima because of it`s location...they thought it would be easy for many people to come and watch the games. Maybe they are right, because the beaches in the kansai area are all a little inconvenient, especially if you want to go on a weekday. Some of the games are being held on the weekdays, so I guess that many business men and woman, especially salesmen/women who can manage their own schedule and leave the office whenever they want to, or Presidents for that matter, will play hookie for work (skip work) for a few hours in the afternoon and check out the games ,or the women playing the games. Some of these women have become quite popluar as of late, like idols in some circles.
But it must have been difficult to ship in all that sand!! I wonder how many tons of sand they had to ship in?!
I like volleyball, so if I have a little time I plan to check it out!
p.s. Just a side note: In Japan, children and adults play volleyball in school, and in clubs, and it is actually quite popular. But in American, at least where I am from, we only play it in gym class for about a month every year. My image of AMERICAN Olympic volleyball athletes is the follwing: basketball players who weren`t good enough to go pro, or play ball in college, so they were recruited by the volleyball coach.