Wednesday, May 14

Happy Birthday!
This cute girl just became 4 years old! She was lucky because her parents did a good job and took her to USJ last Saturday to celebrate! It was her second time to USJ, but she is only just 4 years old! I am 33, and I have only been to USJ once...Of course USJ, as always, was packed, and also last saturday it rained all day, but this little girl didn`t care!! You couldn`t have removed her smile from her face if you tried! She had a permanent smile on her face! And this will be her last birtday without a sibling. From now she will have to share all of her birthdays with another sibling or two, because her parents are expecting to have another child later this summer...
I think that it her father, holding the umbrella and the newspaper, in the background, but I can`t tell. She looks cute in the little red rain coat!
We could have a future artist on her hands! (She could become an artist in the future.) She drew this picture. Guess who it is? It is a picture of her father!! I was surprised at her talent! It looks exactly like him!! He has short black hair, and sometimes (when he isn`t working, which has been about half of her life because he has retired already two or three times) he has a shaggy beard too!
The below is my favorite picture. He sent it to my cell phone over the weekend, and it really made me happy! Just simply, really cute!! Thanks!!

Now, let`s talk about some other things. First, I have to apologize because the home page and blog were down for a while. Sorry for the inconveneince. Basically, there was some techinical trouble, but it was nothing for my computer technicians to tackle!! It is all better now!

On another note, there was a terrible earthquake in China recently...Now living in an area which has been affected by an earthquake in the past, I am always attentive to news alerts on tv about earthquakes (BEEP, Beep, beep...) as well as earthquake news all over the world. Let`s pray for those who have been devastated by this tragedy...

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