Tuesday, June 24

Drinking with friends...

A few days ago, I went out with two lovely ladies. We went to a place just around the corner, a restaurant called, "UmiBozu". You can translate this into "The beach monk"~ a pretty cool name.

They treated me to dinner because it was my birthday! Haha...I am just joking! First, they didn`t treat me to dinner=I am NOT that lucky! And secondly, it wasn`t my birthday. My b-day is October 23rd...just in case anyone forgot. We ate a good amount, drank a little, and really had a good time that night. It was fun!

I read on the net today, that according to a survey in America, one out of every four people who are late to work make an excuse of some sort. 32% of the late-to-work people make an excuse about the traffic or public transportation syste; "I got stuck in traffic, " "The train was delayed," "My car broke down." 17% just blame their lateness on oversleeping; "I overslept," "My alarm didn`t work=My alarm didn`t go off."

How about you? What do you say/do when you are late for work?

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