Buckle up!
Do you wear a seat belt when you are in a car? If you drive a car do you always wear a seat belt? How about if you are in the passenger`s seat? How about if you sit in the back seat? I think it is very important to wear a seat belt, no matter where you are sitting in the car. Now in Japan, I think it is a law that you must wear a seat belt always in the car, no matter where you are sitting? If you are pulled over by a police officer, and are found to be not wearing a seat belt, you must pay a fine. What do you think about seat belts? Do you think they are comfortable? Helpful? Annoying? Let me know you thoughts.
Here is an article about buckling up: http://www.asahi.com/english/Herald-asahi/TKY200810060043.html
Below is another update from Mr. I in Indonesia. His family visited him for a week or so in September and he showed them around the town. In the family portrait below, they look like Royalty!
Hope everyone has a good week!
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