Tuesday, January 13

Winter BBQ

How was your three-day weekend? Yesterday, the 12th, was "Adult Day," a national holiday in Japan. This means that all the kids who are 20 officially become adults. They have ceremonies and celebrations and many guys and girls wear kimonos or suits and get dressed up. Also, because 20 is the lega drinking age in Japan, many kids also drink (for the first time?) and some can't handle their liquor, so some get a little too drunk and misbehave, or even worse, pass out or get sick. Anyway, to all those kids, welcome to adulthood!!! Adulthood is just wonderful...

To change the subject, I got this photo from a friend in Australia. She is staying in a room-share, and on the balcony, they have a barbecue grill. That is fantastic! One of the great things about the States and Australia is that a lot of people barbecue. Some people even bbq in the winter! I know that it is hard to believe, but it is true. I can't wait to have another bbq...actually, I just remembered! I think I still have some charcoal left from last season!! :)

Oh yeah, it's a little late, but what the heck. What are your New year's resolutions for 2009? Did you make any? If you did, did you already break any? Or are you still keeping them?

I made a few New Year's resolutions, and, so far, so good. I have kept them all. For example, I made a resolution to walk 1 hour every day. And I made a reservation to read the newspaper for at least 45 minutes every day. And one more, but I forgot it! :)

How about you?

"What are your New Year's resolutions for 2009?"


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