Thursday, February 4

Takoyaki-"Octopus Balls"- in Philadelphia

That's right! I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the below article which my father sent to me. A Takoyaki shop will open right in the middle of Philadelphia, downtown. For all the details read below:


I like Takoyaki, but I don't eat it so often. I eat it about two times a year. How often do you eat Takoyaki, which are loosely translated to "Ocotopus balls" in English.
Japanese people also like to have "Takoyaki House Parties." They invite a bunch of friends over their house, and everyone sits around and talks and makes takoyaki. I have been to a few of those parties, and they are fun. But to be honest, I don't like making takoyaki. I have two reasons. First, it is not fun and tiring. Second, I am not good at making takoyaki, so the balls I make always are burnt or the shape is strange. Are you good at making takoyaki balls?

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