Friday, July 2

TGIF---Cheers everyone!

Thank God it's Friday, and that means Happy Hour. Drink for half price. I love happy hour.

First, I think most people generally agree that Japan is a very safe place. In general. I mean, if you drop your wallet on the street there is a very high chance that somebody will pick it up and take it to the police station. This would never happen in America, or for most other countries in the world for that matter. Or, if you went to a bar or restaurant and left your bag on the table when you went to the restroom. Probably, when you get back to the table. your bag will still be there. In America, forget it. No chance. So, if we agree that Japan is a really safe place, then please tell me: Why do Japanese people have to lock their umbrellas in an umbrella rack at a restaurant, bank, mall, etc. I don't understand why you have to lock it? If Japan is so safe, why can't you just leave the umbrella in a rack at the entrance, with no lock? Strange...

And, Ms. e told me an interesting story the other day. Well, instead of me telling the story, please read for yourself:
On Sunday,I went to Namba to see "Stand by me the movie,I had a cup of coffee,then a female foreigner next to me told me."Sumimasen,sore ha nan no shinbun desu ka ? she asked me in Japanese. Then I was reading Mainichi weekly. She was interested in English newspaper. I explained about the newspaper a little in Japanese. If her Japanese was not so good,I tried to speak in English,but her Japanese was good.She said "It was funny Mainichi but weekly" it was a point. After that,I saw her in the same theater,She came here with two guys. The movie was great,and I like River Phoenix. After the movie I went shopping at some places. I bought some clothes.

That's funny, and I never thought of that. "Mainichi" means every day. So in English the title of the magazine is translated like this: "Everyday Weekly." Strange...

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