According to the National Weather Association last week, the hear wave is going to last another two weeks. That is longer than I expected. I thought that the heat wave would end sometime this weekend. Guess I was wrong...
And, do you remember that cafe, the "Free Cafe," on Midosuji Street in Honmachi which I wrote about a while back? You know, the one that had free rice crackers and free drinks; coffee, tea, orange juice. I wrote about it right after it opened. There was quite a buzz about the place, because it was free. Well, guess what. It is not free anymore!! When I stopped in the shop the other day, there was a big sign: "Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are no longer able to serve the rice crackers and drinks for free." I don't know if that is what the sign said exactly, but it is something like that. As I expected, running a "free cafe" is difficult in Honmachi...
Also, the yen is very strong recently. Last week the exchange rate was around 84 yen to the dollar. In general, a strong yen is not good for the Japanese economy, especially for big export companies. But for companies which import, and some other industries like the travel industry, a strong yen is good.
Read here for some of the other companies/industries which are benefitting from the strong yen.
"Yen's spike a boon for some" (from the Japan Times)
Below are some "dream" houses from Ocean city. If the yen gets even more stronger, maybe some of you will be able to afford them!