Tuesday, September 28

Temperature change, and "The Best Kid"...

It was a rainy night last night...and coldish.

A cold is going around. One of the reasons for this cold, is that the temperature recently drastically dropped very suddenly. Dress appropriately, get a lot of sleep, intake a lot of vitamin C, and pray...then hopefully you won't get this cold!

The other day, Mr. M saw the movie "The Best Kid." Jackie Chan and Will Smith's kid star in this movie, which is like a remake of "The Karate Kid" (one of the greatest movies of my childhood!! One of the most famous lines from that movie is when the Sensei says "Wax on, wax off!!!")

Mr M said:
Before I saw the movie, I heard different opinions. Some people said "It wasn't as good as I expected it to be." At the same time, others said "It is a excellent film." So, this was one of the reasons I wanted to see the movie. I wanted to see for myself(=confirm it by myself), which was it; a good movie, or a bad movie.
And, I can't say "I absolutey recommend it. You really should go and see it!", but basically, I was glad that I saw it. I thought the theme of "the spirit of sports" or "the spirit of a warrior" was shown in this movie.
And my favorite line in the movie was:
I love this line, so much that I even want it to be engraved on my tombstone!
Later Mr. M sent me an email and wrote:
[And I thought about the above in English.
"Don't think to win or not. Do your best."
"Never think victory. Go with the full power."
"Don't think the results. Do it with all your energy."
Is there a right answer in above? ]
What do you think the right answer is? How would you translate this expression?
Below are photos from a hot spring...exactly the place I want to go!!

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