Friday, May 20

Rice Omelet, New York, Roses

First, does anyone know how to make a rice omelet? If you do, and if you have a good recipe, please tell me because Mr. M is on a mission to make a superb rice omelet, but he seems to be having some trouble. He has tried the past two weekends to make a "good looking" and "good tasting" omelet. However, unfortunately, he has failed. The first time he failed miserably. The second time, he fell one step short of the success line. But I believe this weekend, his third time to try, will be a success!!

The ingredients he used are the following:
milk, eggs, butter, chicken, tomato, onions, green peppers, scallions, ketchup, and oyster sauce.

Is he forgetting anything? Did he leave anything out?
The below photos are proof of his effort and also the results.

Prep work

More Prep work

The second time's result. So close!!!

The first time's result. So far away!!

Grocery shopping

To change the subject, do you know how many roses are in Utsubo Park right now? I have gone to the park every day this week during my break time and counted. The final tally is 3400 roses!!! Actually, I didn't count. That was just a joke. But 3400 is true. I heard it on the radio this morning.

And before I go, I want to pass on some good info. Earlier this week, Ms. J told me that a "New York Fair" is being held at Hankyu Department Store from the 18th of May for about a week. There will be a variety of booths with food, clothes, and a bunch of other stuff. I like bagels, so I am going to grab a few New York bagels and eat the for brunch this Sunday. If you are interested, check it out!

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