Friday, July 1

The dog days

Welcome to July, and welcome to the dog days of summer! If the past week is any indication, this summer is gonna be on of the hottest ever!! in June this year, the thermometers already reached 33 and 34 degrees Celsius. What highs are in store for us in July and August...I don't even want to imagine.

So, since I am sweating buckets every night when I sleep, I am planning to go out and buy a new electric fan this weekend. As many of you know I don't like the AC, so one of the rules of my house is "The AC is prohibited!" (Do you have any "rules" in your household?) But of course electric fans are allowed. The electric fan which is in my house now works fine, and it is not broken. The problem is that it is aimed directly on my wife, every night, all night. She monopolizes that fan. So I need a new and better one for ME!

Also, I am on a mission to find "cool" sheets and a "cool" pillow. Do you have any suggestions?

Moreover, I know I have written about "daylight savings" before, but I found an interesting article so I want to share it with everyone.

"Daylight saving: Is it finally time to convert?"
from "The Japan Times Online"


Anonymous said...

Hello Glenn,

How is the new fan? I was worried about the war around only one fan between you and your wife, so I think it was a very nice idea for both of you to have the each fan. Have a good weekend!


glenn said...

Hey Ryohei.
The new fan is GREAT!!
Now I have one, and she has one, and the room is very cool!
You too enjoy the weekend!