This will be the last blog of August.
How was August for you?
For me, it wasn't so bad. Pretty good actually.
Even though I was sick (being sick uskcs!!) in the beginning of the month, I recovered.
And I learned many lessons from being sick.
And since then, I have been exercising a little more than before, and I changed my eating and drinking habits a little (specifically I cut down on drinking) and I feel in pretty good shape. As a result of this effort, I lost 2~3 kg and have been able to keep it off with no problem, so as of this morning when I got on the scale, I now weigh 75.2kg. I know many of you will not believe me, but 73.0kg is just around the corner.
I also visited Kyushu again, went out to some nice dinners(in ), and spent some good times with a few friends.
Anyway, enough about the past, I want to talk about the future.
Do you have any plans in September?
I do. But I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch(jinx myself) so I will tell you all about it after it happens.
The below article is interesting. Check it out if you want to.
Ofunato: Why have you come to Tohoku to help out?
from "The Japan Times Online"