Saturday, August 27

Obon Dance Festival

Tonight and tomorrow, an Obon Dance Festival will be held at Minami-Mido Kaikan in Honmachi. The festivities will begin around 5pm and finish about 9pm. If it rains, the show is off! Cancelled! Not postponed! There will be many outside food stalls, and there will be many people, old and young, small and big, all dancing to the tunes of Kawachi-Ondo, which is an Osaka-style of Obon Dance Music. This is my favorite festival in Japan, and I look forward to it every year. If you have the time, I recommend you check it out!

Below are some photos from Ms. H. She is also from Ehime and went back to visit her relatives during her summer vacation. The beach photo was taken right in front of her grand-mother's house. What a gorgeous view!! And she also went to a bull fighting event. But I can't imagine Ms. H going to a bull fighting event...That is a definite mismatch!

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