Tuesday, October 25

Hiking Mt Rokko (Blog by Luis)

Last week I went up Mt Rokko with a friend. It was a sunny clear sky day and 25 degrees, it felt like Summer but without the disadvantage of humidity.
My friend has been hiking frequently so he was in good shape. In my case, I practice some sports but not as enduring as hiking 700m in a few hours (we took about 2h30 to get to the top). Did I mention my friend was in good shape? ;) -That is really fast!! - In the most steep parts of the trail I confess I struggled but it felt really good when we reached the summit, enjoying our sandwiches lunch while enjoying a stunning clear view over Kobe and Osaka bay.
Now, I'm already planning to go again soon while the weather still allows.
Do you know any good hiking trails?

And, to change the subject, recently there is a lot of news about bikes on TV and in the papers. I know a thing or two about bicycles, so I wanted to introduce the below article which I found online. Here is an excerpt:
"Bicyclists are on the increase, but so are accidents involving them as well as reckless, illegal riding, prompting Tokyo police to launch a crackdown.
The Metropolitan Police Department campaign, which includes designating more marked bikeways, comes amid an increase in accidents and violations that will now face stiffer penalties.
People who ride bicycles without proper brakes or run red lights may face a fine of up to ¥50,000. Failing to ride slowly and carefully on sidewalks can result in a fine of up to ¥20,000. Police plan to strictly enforce the new measures while at the same time enhancing safety."
For more, click on the below link.

Reckless cyclists face crackdown

(from The Japan TImes Online)

What do you think about this crackdown?
Do you ride a bicycle?
If yes, do you follow the "rules of the road"?
What do you think about the congestion on the sidewalks, and streets, because of the bicycles?

This is what Glenn said to me the other day;
"I never realized how dangerous bicycles are until I got my driver's license. When I am driving, I am always surprised that many bikes drive in the middle of the road, or suddenly swerve into the road. And, sometimes I say to myself 'What are you doing?! Are you crazy?' But after this experience, I reflected on my bicycle riding style and now ride my bicycle very slowly and carefully when other cars are around me."

Have you ever been hit, or almost hit, by a bicycle?
Have you ever hit someone, or almost hit someone, using your bicycle?
If yes to either or both of the above questions, what happened? What did you do after the incident?
If no, what would you do in either of the above two situations?

Anyway, let's cycle safely!!

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