Tuesday, February 14

Top 3 Favorite Things

It has been a grey and dreary couple of days, with a lot of cold rain.
But, I don't want to sulk about it. "Tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow..."

Besides, it is Valentine's Day!
As many of you know, Valentine's Day in America and in Japan are VERY different.
If you don't know how different, then just ask me and I will explain.
(Or if you search in the archives from February of past years on this blog, you can find the answer for yourself.)

This article and question from The Japan Times Online is interesting:
"What are your three favorite things about Japan?"

My answer is easy! My three favorite things in Japan are:
Go-han (white rice), Shochu (no translation), and Kyoko (my wife)!!

But not necessarily in that order!!!

How about you?

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