"Real English 22-have no qualms"
Situation is a conversation between two public officials(PO1 and PO2)in Fukuoka during a smoking break
PO1: I can't believe the Sky Tree had a glitch on the first day. Unbelievable! Can you imagine being stuck on the top with the elevators out of service...What a scary experience...
PO2: That must have been a miserable experience. I saw it on the news last week. Actually, I have been watching a lot of news and crappy TV for the past week since the Mayor ordered all of us to go dry for a month if we go out. For one month!!! That's too much, too strict! I didn't do anything wrong! So why can't I got out for a few beers with my friends after work like I always do?!
PO1: Yeah, I know what you mean. It sucks, but I have no qualms about it. I support the Mayor on this on. We all should take responsibility for the misconduct of our fellow workers. After all, our salaries come from tax money...
PO2: Whatever...And how about that flamboyant Mayor up in Osaka dropping the hammer on public officers with tattoos?! Give me your two cents on that one!
PO1: You got me...Anyway, 10 minutes is up. We should get back to work.