Friday, November 16

Real English 46- tweeps

Do you have any tweeps?

I don't.  That's because I am in the minority and don't do twitter.  Neither does my OH.

"Tweeps" are a person's followers on the SNS Twitter.

Do you have a Twitter account? 
 If yes:
What do you like to tweet?
Are you a tweep of someone(=Do you follow someone's tweets)?

If no:
Why not?  
Do you think that you will open a twitter account someday?
If you had a Twitter account, what would you tweet? Whose tweets would you like to follow?

As I said, I don't have a Twitter account.  But I would like to get one someday because I would like to follow some people's Twitter accounts.  The downside is it could be a waste of time.  However, the upside is that it might be interesting and maybe I could learn something...Anyway, I think I have nothing to lose if I get a Twitter account, so what the heck(=why not.)...

For those of you interested in what tourists think about Japan, the below survey is interesting.  You might be surprised to see what foreigners think is overrated?

And I will add my own question.  What's the most underrated place in Japan?

From The Japan Times Online
"What's the most overrated place in Japan?"

Thanks for the nice photos e!

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