Tuesday, December 31

Real English Fifty: shame

I got a Christmas card from Ms. N the other day.
She wrote,
"Merry Christmas! 
I hope everything is going well!
Please send us Taiga's shame!"

I thought, "'Shame', what is she talking about!!'"

Then I showed my wife the card and she said "Ms. N meant 'sha-me' which is an abbreviation for 'sha-meru,' which means 'cell phone photo.'"

I said, "There is a big difference between 'cell phone photo' and 'Shame'!!!" 

Here are some sentences using "shame," "ashamed," and "embarrassed."

1. It is a shame.
2. He is the shame of the company.

3.  I am ashamed. I made a terrible mistake...

4.  When I was teaching the other day, my fly was down. I was VERY embarrassed!!!

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