Thursday, August 3

Your Champ!!
Kameda got the Champion`s belt on an atrocious decision. He got knocked down in the first round on a solid right punch. He was dominatd the whole fight. How dd he win? I`ll tell you the`s called Boxing (=money)! In the sport of Boxing, sometimes crazy things happen. This wasn`t the first time there has been a horrible decision, and it won`t be the last time either. Read here for more:


Anonymous said...

I don't like him.
I think a Japanese samurai don't speak too much.
A samurai should not appeal for oneself more than required.
A modest attitude has big value, so I don't like him.

glenn said...


In a single word, the game was dirty.

I felt ashamed of myself that I was one of Japanese.

The former champion was wrong ,too.

When he want to give Mr Kameda the championship for

Money, he had to change a actor from a sprtsman.

He should be down hisself.

If so, They would make a perfect fix game.

We were tricked perfectly.

Really, they wern,t sportsmen.

They were poor astors.