Wednesday, January 31

Tokyo Tower
This is the view from a hotel in Tokyo. It`s the Tokyo Tower!! I have been to Tokyo a few times in my life. It is bustling with people and energy, fast pace, and really crowded. I always am lost in Tokyo, so I don`t like it so much. But I want to go to Tokyo again and find the good things about Tokyo. Do you like Tokyo? I really want to go to the famous fish market too, Tsukiji? fish market. I forget the name...Did you ever read the book "Tokyo Tower"? This book was popular last year or the year before. I read it...I recommend it.
My friend Ken just got an ipod. I really want to get one too but I am still behind the times...Many people I know have an ipod or something like an ipod. They listen to music and many of my students also download english listening training and study while commuting to work on the train. And some people record the class on a voice recorder in order to listen to the recording after their lesson. That is impressive! Many of the students (maybe ;) are very eager and enthusiastic to study as much as they can! Do you have an iopd or a voice recorder or something? Check out the "comments" for Ken`s comments on his ipod. Enjoy the last day in January!

Wednesday, January 24

That`s what Mr. F told me after he finally won his golf club`s tournament! He was elated! He had wanted to win this tournament for a long time...He kept trying and trying and trying...always coming up a little short...But finally he did it! (However it was a weekday tournament so only about half of the regular member participated! ;) I will be really impressed when he wins the tournament on a Saturday or Sunday with full participation! ;) But truly Congrats!! It`s a good start to 2007 for Mr. F i think!

This is the trophy he received for the big victory! He told me he keeps it next to his tv and admires it every night after coming home.. His handicap is about 20 I heard. And I think he shot a 94 that day. So he won with a 74. Have you ever won a trophy or a tournament?

Sunday, January 21

New Year`s Food: "O-sechi and Ozoni"
The above is a photo of traditional New Year`s food, "Osechi". The below is a photo of the traditional soup served during the New Year, "Ozoni." Each region in Japan serves a different type of soup. Some areas use a soy sauce base soup, some use miso, etc. If you know about the different types of soup in different areas please tell me! Also, "Osechi" has a lot of meanings. Do you know the meanings of each food? If you do, please tell me! Originally "O-sechi" was meant to give housewives a break from cooking all year. Also the food can last a long time, =it doesn`t go bad, spoil, easily, so it was convenient because many years ago supermarkets were closed during the New Year`s holiday, til about the 3rd. So families would eat this food every day. My student Ms. N made Osechi this year for her family (her husband and parents-in-law.) Even though she had a terricle cold, she still cooked this beautiful platter. Do you like Osechi?

Friday, January 19

Good morning! Do you like crab? I do! When I was a child I used to eat crab a few times evey summer. I remember my father bringing home live crabs and putting them into a pot of boiling water. The were moving and dangerous before putting them into the pot...After in the pot though, they didn`t move so much.......My dad also made soft-shell crabs when I was a child. Have you ever eaten soft-shell crabs? You can eat the whole crab, even the shell. Usually they are served with a red hot pepper-like spice, so they are spicey!

Ms. e ate crab the other day and sent me this pic. It`s a little blurry, out of focus, but it`s cool I think! ;) Thanks e!

In the Yomiuri Newspaper there are some "award winning" photos. Some of them are interesting and unique! If you have some time and money, buy the Newspaper and check out the photos. If not, I`ll have the newspaper in the classroom next week if you want to look. Just ask me!

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, January 17

12 years ago...I was in University and I knew practially nothing about Japan, let enough Osaka. In 1995, January 17th, 12 years ago today, there was a terrible earthquake in Kobe. Over my years in Japan, I have heard many people talk about this earthquake and their experience this day and how it affected them...MAny people died and suffered terrible losses on that day. That earthquake changed many people`s lives...Today in the newspaper there are many articles related to this event, and on t.v. today I am sure that there will be many specials on it. Do you remember your experience on this day 12 years ago...?

Going back to the New Year`s topic, one of my students, Ms. M, dfressed up her dog in a kimono and took him/her? to shrine with her family for the "first prayer" of the year!! This picture really makes me smile!

Tuesday, January 16

Christmas Cake!
I was a little late to post this photo. Ms. O made a Christmas cake for her English teacher and sent me the photo. She baked the cake and also decorated the top. It looks so cute!! And of course it was delicious!! The strawberries and kiwi were also juicy!

Speaking of cake, a cake company, Fujiya, is in the news lately. The company used old milk, one day past the expiration date, as one of the ingredients in the cake. (Do you drink milk if it is past the expiration date?) Some managers were aware of this and approved it, but they realized this could become a big problem, the "Second Yukijirushi", and tried to hide this information. But somebody leaked it to the media. Today the president of the company resigned to take responsibilty for the incident....

I prefer home-made cakes to cakes made by big companies!!!

Monday, January 15

Good morning! How was everyone`s weekend? My friend Ms. Hitomi sent me these photos. They are from her trip with her husband to Ise last month. Below is a japanese sweet, rice cake(omochi) with sweet red bean paste. And tea. This sweet is one of my favorites! It looks delicious!

This is also a Japanese sweet. Do you know what it is?
Last month in Ise, the leaves were still red and orange. The sunlight filtering through the leaves looks warm...
Hitomi and her husband stayed in a ryokan, a Japanese traditional hotel. Look at this dinner! There are so many dishes, so many side dishes. I wonder what the main dish is...I have been to a ryokan or hot spring before and eaten dinner/breakfast like this. It is really delicious...I want to go again soon...

Maybe this is the ryokan...or a restaurant, or a souvenir shop...I don`t know... What do you think?

What a beautiful view! This view reminds me of Hawaii, and also many other mountain views I have seen in my life.
The river looks so peacefula and calm. And the view of the foilage is gorgeous! Hope everyone has a good week!

Wednesday, January 10

Ikuta shrine and "Ebessan"

Ms. N went to Ikuta shrine with her family for the first praying of the New Year. Ikuta shrine is a famous shrine in Kobe. It just became even more famous because a famous couple, Norika a very(?) famous actress and Jinai, a semi-famous osaka t.v. personality, decided to get married there in February. They are both from Kobe I heard, so they wanted to have the ceremony in their hometown. I heard it will cost about 350,000 yen for the ceremony and clothes rental, but I `m not sure if that is the correct number. If it is, I think that`s pretty cheap for a wedding ceremony. Do you know if this is the correct price or not? Ms. N said the shrine was packed! She also said she bought a good luck charm and picked a fortune. I hope she got "BIG" good luck!

From yesterday til the 11th, is "Ebessan", a famous festival/event. The purpose of Ebessan is to give and offering to the "Business/money" gods and also to pray for financial prosperity for the year. It takes place in shrines. I have gone to "Ebessan" for about 8 years maybe...I forget..I always go to the same shrine, which is pretty famous and near Namba. I really like "Ebessan." It`s very unique I think. It is always unbelievably crowded too, you can`t move. Sometimes I go at night and sometimes I go during the day. At night is more crowded and really cold...but all of the food stalls and everything is cool! I plan to go today or tomorrow if I have time. If I don`t have time, then I have to make time. I will return my good luck ornament from last year and also get a new one. Do you know the historical meaning of "Ebessan"?

Tuesday, January 9

Cats, cats, and more cats!!!

In Japan, these cats, doll-like things, are very common. They are believed to be good luck charms for businesses and shops and can be seen in many storefronts! The cat usually holds up one of its paws. Often the cats are red and white, but also other colors are okay too. I think these cats are cute and cool, I like them. I also think they are a good souvenir for a foreigner, because people can use the cats as ornaments or a decoration for their houses.

Yesterday was Adult Day in Japan. There are many ceremonies all over Japan for people who are 20 years old. When you become 20 in Japan, you become an "Adult"! Good luck to all the new adults, I hope you enjoy "Adult world"!!

Friday, January 5

Happy New Year!

Hi everybody. It`s now 2007. How did you spend your New Year`s vacation. I relaxed a lot and also exercised a lot! (Are you surprised?!) Maybe I slimmed down a little! I love waterfalls...The sound, the mist spray of the water, everything... Ms. O sent me these waterfall photos (thank you!) and I thought that they were a good way to begin the new year. Hope everyone has a great and healthy year!