Monday, January 15

Good morning! How was everyone`s weekend? My friend Ms. Hitomi sent me these photos. They are from her trip with her husband to Ise last month. Below is a japanese sweet, rice cake(omochi) with sweet red bean paste. And tea. This sweet is one of my favorites! It looks delicious!

This is also a Japanese sweet. Do you know what it is?
Last month in Ise, the leaves were still red and orange. The sunlight filtering through the leaves looks warm...
Hitomi and her husband stayed in a ryokan, a Japanese traditional hotel. Look at this dinner! There are so many dishes, so many side dishes. I wonder what the main dish is...I have been to a ryokan or hot spring before and eaten dinner/breakfast like this. It is really delicious...I want to go again soon...

Maybe this is the ryokan...or a restaurant, or a souvenir shop...I don`t know... What do you think?

What a beautiful view! This view reminds me of Hawaii, and also many other mountain views I have seen in my life.
The river looks so peacefula and calm. And the view of the foilage is gorgeous! Hope everyone has a good week!

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