New Year`s Food: "O-sechi and Ozoni"
The above is a photo of traditional New Year`s food, "Osechi". The below is a photo of the traditional soup served during the New Year, "Ozoni." Each region in Japan serves a different type of soup. Some areas use a soy sauce base soup, some use miso, etc. If you know about the different types of soup in different areas please tell me! Also, "Osechi" has a lot of meanings. Do you know the meanings of each food? If you do, please tell me! Originally "O-sechi" was meant to give housewives a break from cooking all year. Also the food can last a long time, =it doesn`t go bad, spoil, easily, so it was convenient because many years ago supermarkets were closed during the New Year`s holiday, til about the 3rd. So families would eat this food every day. My student Ms. N made Osechi this year for her family (her husband and parents-in-law.) Even though she had a terricle cold, she still cooked this beautiful platter. Do you like Osechi?
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I think O-sechi and O-zoni is the most poplar Japanese food which all Japanese know. But the style is different by each familiy. It's very interesting.
thanks ms. n
what is your family`style?
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