The pink demon!!!
Now, don`t go crazy! Keep yourself together relax! This pink demon is actually a very nice gentleman underneath that crazy outfit!
He dressed up as a pink demon for his nephews and neices on February 3rd, a festival day in Japan. It is difficult to explain the meaning of this festival, but basically the tradition is:
1. You should eat dried soy beans. The number of soy beans which you eat should equal your age plus one.
2. You must throw the remaining beans outside of your house while yelling "Go out BAD LUCK." (At this time, if you hit the pink demon in the head with beans, it is OK!)
3. After that, you must throw some beans inside the house while yelling "Come in GOOD LUCK!"
4. After that someone has to clean up and pick all of the beans off the floor.
5. You should eat a long hand-rolled sushi.
6. While eating the sushi you are forbidden to speak. You much not speak!! You must be silent.
7. Also while eating the sushi, you must face the "Lucky Direction" of the year. This year was "South-South-East"
If you don`t understand any of the explanation above, please ask me in person and I will explain it.
Usually I do these activities and celebrate this festival. But this year I forgot...terrible!!! My memory is getting worse and worse every day...Do you know any good ways to keep your mind/memory sharp?
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