Thursday, February 14

Spain and Valentine`s Day

Today is Valentine`s Day...In America and in Japan, the way to celebrate or spend Valentine`s Day is very different. If you want to read more about the differences, please check my blog "2007 February" and "2005 February." I wrote a lot about this day and the things people do in America and in Japan in thos blogs. Valentine`s Day has a romantic image...Many people say the city of ramance is Paris, France...near France is Spain, so that reminds me of my friend`s recent family trip. He went to Spain for a 10-day vacation with his family the other day. I don`t know much about spain but I have heard about it from a few of my other friends. I heard that in Spain everything is slow, a slower pace than in Osaka or New York. I also heard everyone eats dinner and goes out very late at night. And, many people take a nap, a siesta, in the afternoon. (Sounds nice!!) And that many people take a 2-month vacation in the summer, and close individual shops and boutiques and restaurants. These kinds of customs are foreign to the way in Osaka, Japan. Do you know anything about Spain...If you do, I`d really like to hear about it, so let me know any time you can. Thanks, and to all you popular guys out there in Japan, don`t eat too much chocolate tonight. And to all you NOT popular guys in Japan, please ask the popular guys to give you some of their chocolate. Have a good night!

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