"Why is shortcake called short?" Ms. Mai asked me. She added, "I don`t think that shortcake is very short at all..."
Mai`s question is brilliant! I don`t know why or when or how she thought of such a thing, but she is correct! Why do we call short cake "short"? I tried to find the answer by looking up the word on Wikipedia, a very useful English Internet dictionary, but in the definition, no where idd it mention why it is called "short." Does anyone know the answer? If you do, please let me know, because Mai is dieing to know the answer!!!

The above is today`s food for thought. Enjoy the evening!

here's your answer. LD
The function of fat (that would be your butter, cream, shortening, etc.) in pastry is to make it flaky and light. Dough that contains a large proportion of fat to dry ingredients is said to be "short," and bakes up with a crumbly texture. And that's where the term "shortcake" comes from. That also explains why shortening (like Crisco) is called shortening.
French fries originated in France.
Known as Pomme Frites. Pomme is potato and frites is fried.Americans learned to love these and referred to them as French Fries.
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