Friday, September 12

A Busy 3-day weekend!!

What are your plans for the 3-day weekend? Me, I got plenty. First I want to go to a Mexican fiesta in Umeda. It will be nostalgic for me, because I went on a trip to Cabo, Mexico a few years. It was my first time to Mexico and I experienced many new and exciting things. One day, I really want to go back

The link to the Mexican Fiesta:

Next, I almost forgot about it, but my friend invited me to the (in)famous? Kishiwada Danjiri Festival. For people who were born in, grew up in, or live in Kishiwada, this festival is the biggest thing on the planet! I have never been there, but I heard it is very wild and exciting and also a little dangerous! For more details check out the below site:

Last, just a quick question. Recently I am hooked on wine, and usually I drink red, but sometimes I also enjoy white wine. Which do you prefer, red or white wine?

Hope you have a good 3-day weekend!

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