Monday, September 1

September blues...

I always get a little depressed in September because it means that the summer is over,and it also means that winter is coming...I really like the summer, and I hate the winter! Today is September 1st.
But when I was surfing the net the other day, I came across my friend`s blog, Ms. S, and saw her photos from her recent trip to England. She could try eat genuine=real fish and chips,! It really looks good! And she ate ice cream in a cone! Don`t you think that is a big portion of ice cream!? In general, in America and Europe the food portions are much bigger than the portions in Japan. A typical American will not be full after eating a typical Japanese dinner, and a typical Japanese must share/split a typical American dish with a friend if they eat in a restaurant in the States.

Let`s try to enjoy September...

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