Wednesday, March 11

Crabs and movies

I love crab, and lobster, and all types of seafood. But I have a rule. I never eat crab or lobster or scallops or seafood in a restaurant unless I am near the sea. So that means, if I am in the middle of the desert in Arizona, I do not oder seafood even if it is the special of the day!! Below are some photos of delicious crab from near The Japan Sea, in my opinion one of the most beautiful places in Japan.

And, I have a question for you: What is the greatest Japanese movie of all time? Look here for to read some of the opinions of some foreigners living in Japan:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

with FedEx service reaching far away places like never before it is not unusal and very common to find real fresh seafood in very remote locations these days. as an example, Las Vegas, has very fresh crab, oysters and anything else you could wish for.