Friday, May 1

100 days in the The White House, music and culture, and GW

It has been about 100 days since President Obama became the leader of the United States of America. What do you think?

Have you ever been to Washington D.C.? If yes, have you ever been on a tour of the White House. I have visited D.C. a few times in my life. It is an interesting town with many historical sites. When I was a child I remember going on a tour of the white house too. If you have the opportunity to visit the East Coast of America, and are interested in cities, I recommend that you visit New York, Philadelphia, and Washinton D.C. Now I know a few people who live there, or near there, so I am sure I will visit there sometime again. I am looking forward to it.

When I was surfing the net the other day, I found an interesting article about music and Japanese and Korean people. It was a nice good-feeling cultural artcle, and I recommend you read it if you have time.
I have some Korean friends in Osaka, I know many Japanese people who study Korean or a Korean art/instrument/culture, so I found the article interesting.

Hope everyone has a good Golden Week Vacation and talk to you all again after the break!

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