Wednesday, July 15

Bring on the Heat!!!

How do you beat the heat?
What are the ways you beat the heat?

Summer, the hot and humid sunner of Japan, has officially arrived. Sweat, sweat, and more sweat. I am like a walking, sleeping, talking sweat machine...And I don't like the air conditioner either, so it is tough. I use a fan at my house, and actaullu just bought a fan and new fridge for the classroom too. The fan is helpful, but sometimes not enough. Maybe in August, I am gonna try to put my head in fridge and see if that works. What do you so to stay cool in this heat?
For example:
I suck on ice cubes.
I take cold showers.
I blast the air con.
I use a hand-fan.
I sleep on a "cold mat."
I eat cold food, for example, cold udon or soba noodles.
I pray for help... ;)

Let me know what you do and if you have any tips for me on how to beat this heat!!
This is an article abotu "shaved ice." In America wed on't have the exact same thing. But we have something similar to it. It is called "water ice." And it also has many different flavors. For more about "shaved ice" read this:

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