Tuesday, July 28

Japan, Philly-style!!-------Anyone for a vodka coke?

An acquaintance of mine sent me these photos from Philadelphia. She went to a Japanese restaurant in Philly, ate sushi, and after that went to Karaoke with her friends. The sushi looks pretty good, but the karaoke tv screen definitely looks a little out-of-date and cheesy. The other weekend, I went to Karaoke for the first time in about 2 or 3 years. Even though I have a bad voice and can not sing worth a dime, it was a ball and I had a blast! When was the last time you went to Karaoke?

And the below link is of a new product. Because I majored in business management and marketing when I was at Cornell, I always keep my eyes out for new products, promotions, etc...I think it is interesting. Today I found one vending machine which sells ALL drinks for only 50 yen!! That same machine which I can see everywhere usually sells drinks for 100 yen a piece. And usually vending machines sell various beverages for 120yen or 150 yen a pop. So why 50 yen at ONLY that one?! I have no idea! Do you?

Check it out: A Vodka Coke

p.s. I tried Kirin's new #3 type beer product. It was only 99yen. It wasn't that bad...actually, what I want to say is...It was OK. I forget the name of it ...maybe "Mugi-Sugori" or something like that...but it has a gold can...maybe you can find it easily if you look.

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