Thursday, May 13


Do you smoke? If yes, how many cigarettes do you smoke a day? What kind of cigarettes do you smoke? When is your most delicious cigarette?

If you don't smoke, well, have you ever smoked? Even just one cigarette? If you have, how did it taste? What did you think?
If you have never even tried one cigarette, then that is great. So, what do you think of second-hand smoke? Does it bother you? What do you think of the manners of smokers? Do smokers who walk on the street and smoke at the same time bother you? Do smokers who throw their cigarette butts on the street bother you?

Personally, I used to smoke. I smoked a bunch of different brands, but my favorite was Camel Lights. I began smoking when I was around 19, and smoked until I was 22 maybe. Then I quit. For about 5 or so years I never smoked, never even had one cigarette. Then when I was about 27, I began smoking again. It lasted for a few years, and I am not clear, I do not remember exactly when I had my last cigarette, but I think I finally quit when I was around 30. Since then, nothing. Zero. I liked smoking, it helped me relax, but fortunately for my health, smoking didn't agree with my body. My throat and nose always hurt after I smoked and I would wake up coughing and couldn't sleep. So, I had to quit. I had no choice. And now I can honestly say that I have no desire to smoke at all.

Basically, I think smoking is OK. But I have one request for all smokers. Please smoke with good manners. Don't walk on the street with a lot of people walking around, and smoke. Because some people hate second hand smoke and quite simply, it is dangerous. Also, don't throw the butts on the street, or on the ground in a park. It's dirty, inconsiderate, and disgusting. Please always putt your butts in the ash tray or trash can. If you can follow the above rules, well then, I hope you enjoy your cigarettes!

Should smoking be banned in public places?
Check this out:

I am a little late to post the below, but what the heck. Better late than never!!

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