Monday, October 24


Officially, I just became 37 years old. Why "officially"?! Well, let me explain.

I was born on October 23rd at 11:20pm at Albert Einstein Hospital in Philadelphia.
Now, there is a 13 hour time difference between Philadelphia and Osaka. (Note: Depending on Daylight Savings Time in America, sometimes the time difference changes to 14 hours.) So, Osaka is 13 hours ahead of Philadelphia. (Philly is 13 hours behind Osaka.) That means, that right now, at 12:20pm in Osaka on October 24th, it is 11:20pm in Philly on October 23rd.

When is your birthday?
What time were you born?
Where were you born?
Do you know the name of the hospital you were born in?


Atsuyoshi said...

Happy birthday Glenn!and Thank you for your message.I became 32!

I heard I was born in Kobe Motomachi,at 10:41 pm.and my mother talked me she had a difficult delivery every my birthday. Recentry she hopes I will get marry...

I wish you happiness

glenn said...

Hey Hot-Yoshi! Long time no talk!
I can imagine you were a tough baby to deliver! Your mother battled for you! Now, you have to battle for her!!!
I hope you find Ms. Right soon!!
And, I wish you happiness too! Stay in touch! Glenn